Looking for the Ton Wesseling Conversion Jam 3 Stockholm slides? You can find them here (click)!
On june 11th 2013: Bart Schutz, chief persuasion officer and Ton Wesseling, chief optimization officer of Online Dialogue were presenting at the Conversion Conference Chicago. They shared their knowledge on “how to create winning A/B-test plans”. Over the last years they we’re the biggest winner in A/B-test awards worldwide. In the presentation they were showing:
√ 25 winning conversion optimization cases
√ The FACT & ACT theory
√ and… at the end…The Wheel of Persuasion
In this article you will find the slides embedded and a summary of the presentation in 25 tweets:
1 | Tweet “Links and quotes of the testing and persuasion keynote of @barts and @tonw in Chicago: http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
2 | Tweet “Adding step 1 of a car insurance form to the product page lifted conversion with 23 procent (by @tonw)” | Tweet #convcon |
3 | Tweet “By @barts on persuasion techniques: Foot in the door – Get your visitors to interact asap” | Tweet #convcon |
4 | Tweet “Rearranging the list of USP’s at a Hotel booking form lifted sales with 14 procent: http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
5 | Tweet “And @barts on Layering: Divide content in diminishing chunks of 3 or 5 pieces of information!” | Tweet #convcon |
6 | Tweet “Online Dialogue is A/B-testing twitter button texts at their conference landings pages 🙂 http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
7 | Tweet “Ambiguity Aversion: Make it crystal clear what your customer will get – it can bring in millions cc @barts” | Tweet #convcon |
8 | Tweet “Instant search at webshops can lift the conversion rate of webshop search users with 50 procent cc @tonw” | Tweet #convcon |
9 | Tweet “By looking at analytics and realligning excisting content @onlinedialogue grew homepage conversions 19 procent” | Tweet #convcon |
10 | Tweet “Yeah @barts and @tonw WWW: World Wide Walhalla for analytics and brain testing http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
11 | Tweet “Creating conversion boosting test plans: use Data Driven Persuasion Psychology (by @barts and @tonw)” | Tweet #convcon |
12 | Tweet “The @onlinedialogue FACT and ACT: Filter, Analyze, Create and Test, Analyze, Combine, Tell: http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
13 | Tweet “Persuasion by @barts: The paradox of Choice – Offer a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 choices” | Tweet #convcon |
14 | Tweet “Switching around content on a website by Gaze Placement – 23 procent more sales by @tonw and @barts” | Tweet #convcon |
15 | Tweet “Foot between the lips: a user survey on a website leads to more conversions! http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
16 | Tweet “Lift your form conversion by rethinking those *’s (cc @barts). Let your customer think he is free in his choices” | Tweet #convcon |
17 | Tweet “Use a point-of-action (2 options) in stead of a call-to-action. It brings you conversion! http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
18 | Tweet “You can make a BIG difference with leaving out 1 sentence. We prefer options that are certain @onlinedialogue” | Tweet #convcon |
19 | Tweet “23 procent less bouncerate with some simple visual cues on your website by @barts. Show people they can scroll!” | Tweet #convcon |
20 | Tweet “Make sure you have the right metrics when optimizing. @tonw is showing a test with more conversion but no revenue” | Tweet #convcon |
21 | Tweet “Guys @onlinedialogue are showing test cases with different winners on weekdays, visitor type and price levels” | Tweet #convcon |
22 | Tweet “Filter out you’re differently motivated buying visitors before starting a test. @tonw is pointing out the effects” | Tweet #convcon |
23 | Tweet “So true, @onlinedialogue is showing us that CRO becomes Customer Intelligence: http://ondi.me/chicago” | Tweet #convcon |
24 | Tweet “Summarizing: How to create winning A/B-test plans: use digital data and persuasion psychology @tonw @barts” | Tweet #convcon |
25 | Tweet “Use the FACT and ACT model!…. One more thing: The Wheel of Persuasion beta invites: http://www.wheelofpersuasion.com” | Tweet #convcon |
The fact & act model is our way of continuous optimization. Lean optimization, based on business goals and visitor brain needs. First we Filter all the opportunities before we choose where to optimizer. Then we start Analyzing thoroughly. Data, customer & psychology knowledge. We use this to Create hypotheses we are going to Test. After the test we make sure we Analyze thoroughly again, because we would like to Combine the new knowledge in a story we can Tell to our colleagues!
In our opinion conversion rate optimization (CRO) moves over to customer intelligence. We are in the right place with data & psychology to teach a company how they should communicate with their visitors, clients… Multi-channel!
If the embed is not showing or you want to download the PDF of the slides: head over to our slideshare account.
Wheel of Persuasion
Recently we launched the Wheel of Persuasion. A source of persuasion techniques that will grow over 200 different techniques. We describe the techniques and add cases to them. Free to spin through for registered users! We need your help too: we would love to add & promote your cases! As a Conversion Conference Chicago fan: we’re handing out access codes so you can register immediately. Read the image below to find out the access code 🙂