Slides & Links: Persuasive e-commerce

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Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. You came here for the slides & links of our colleague Guido Jansen. He’s is now, or has just been, presenting a keynote on persuasive e-commerce at the Bargento 2013 conference in Paris. In this post you can find the prezi show embedded and an overview of tools & books Guido mentioned.

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The tools

An overview of the targeting / persuasion tools Guido mentioned in his keynote

The books

An overview of books / publications on the topic of targeting / persuasion mentioned by Guido:

The Wheel of Persuasion

Guido showed you the “wheel of persuasion”. We are learning and learning which persuasion techniques work in what situation on the web. We would like to give you that knowledge and invite you to share yours to. We need more cases! Beta invites of the wheel can be found at

The slides

(direct link if the embed is not working)


Contact us for a persuasion review of your online business!
Call Guido: +3130 7009 773